KAOSPILOT+ Berlin is a learning platform for creative leadership and meaningful entrepreneurship.

We offer 6 to 12-month long hybrid experiental learning programs for students, professionals, and everyone who wants to become a better leader.
To Programs
In short and intensive courses, you will dive into learning experiences around the topics of sustainable entrepreneurship and meaningful leadership.
We set up your organization to navigate complexity by introducing new tools and methodologies and developing both leaders and products.
To Consultancy
1-Year Education
We offer a 10-month long experiential learning program for students, professionals, and everyone who wants to become a better leader.
To Programs
workshops & Courses
In intensive courses, you will dive into learning experiences around the topics of sustainable entrepreneurship and meaningful leadership.
To courses
training & Consultancy
We set up your organization to navigate complexity by introducing new tools and methodologies and developing both leaders and products.
To consultancy

Are you ready to take off?

Join the Kaospilot community now.